Send Messages via What’s App API

Ever received a spoof What’s App message, or invite to a What’s App Group?

It is because there is a What’s App API that allows anybody to automate the process of sending messages to an individual or group.

How to send message via What’s App API


    • Have a WhatsApp number already linked to the platform and online.
    • Group WhatsApp ID (WID) that you can find in two ways:

How to obtain the Group WhatsApp ID

You can obtain the Group WhatsApp ID by using one of these methods:

    1. Web: go to number’s settings > Groups > Copy the Group WID.
    2. API: query the available groups in your number using this endpoint.

API endpoint

We will use the following API endpoint to send messages to a group:

Prepare the request

Target API URL using the POST method

Required HTTPS headers > Obtain your API key here

Content-Type: application/json

Use body in JSON format

  "group": "$",
  "message": "This is a sample message sent to a group"

Gurdwara Website Project

Project Information

WebsiteGurdwara Sahib Woolwich Website
Legacy WebsiteLegacy WebsiteLast updated around 2022
Legacy WebsiteBackup of Legacy SiteMenu bar broken

Site Map

ParentPage NameContentsNotesOwner
AboutProvides the history of the Gurdwara, local community and area??
CommitteeProvides the list of current committee members and their titles and responsiblitiesGM
EducationSchoolProvides information regarding the Guru Nanak Khalsa School – timings, location and educational contentMB
VisitorProvides information regarding school visitsOld website provides this??
LinksProvides a list of various website/ information regarding SikhismOld website has a load of links – and can be usedSB
EventsProvides a calendar for the next 12 months – read onlyNeed to transcribe the physical diary into ExcelGM/ MB/ SB
GalleryProvides images regarding the GurdwaraInitial extracted from th e old website – photos from 2006+??
Contact UsProvides the ability to send an email; email/ phone/ social-media-links; Google Map InformationSB

Action Items

Site Map

1Old WebsiteBackup Old WebsiteBackup up the old website, and make available via a link on the new website: up and migrated – but Menu Bar broken on online version.SB2025-01-21 Tue2025-01-26 SunHighClosed
2Old WebsiteTransfer DomainPrevious owner to log into Weebly, and start the tranfer of the Domain to SBJS2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunLowOpen
3EmailMail Client SetupMigrate over old email, and allow for access via iPhonesiPhone picks up eamils, receivss emails – but has problems sending emailsSB2025-01-21 Tue2025-01-26 SunMedIn Progress
4SecurityHide Login PageLogin Page to be hidden, to ensure that the website is not hackedChanged to non-standard nameSB2025-01-21 Tue2025-01-26 SunHighClosed
5BrandingWebsite LogoNeed a Logo for the website, emails and all correspondenceTemporary one created by SBNJ2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunMedOpen
6BrandingFavion.icoTab Icon to similar to the Website Logo – limited to 16 x 16 px in sizeTemporary one created by SBNJ2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunMedOpen
7BrandingHome Page ImageImage to be placed on all places – limited to 1200 x 280 px in sizeTemporary one created by SBNJ2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunMedOpen
8LinksSocial Media to be AddedAdd links to Facebook, YouTube, What’s App Link, InstagramAll AddedSB2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunMedClosed
9LinksInstragram AccountInstagram is popular, and we don’t have oneAlready created – and added to website. Who owns it? Tue2025-02-16 SunLowOpen
10EventsCreate Event CalendarCreate a prototype Events Calendar – to see what is missing and needs to be addedInitial version created. Awaiting FeedbackSB2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunMedClosed
11RepositoryCreate Project RepositoryProject File repository for all documents related to the project, and allow for people to participateOne-Drive created – pending sharingSB2025-01-21 Tue2025-01-26 SunHighClosed
12DonationsDonation FunctionalityInvestigate adding WorldPay/ Paypal to websiteDS2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunLowOpen
13EmailDaily EmailCollate Daily Hukamnamas for the Year – or how we can source them each week. And put on Home page, and email out to subscribers.DS2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunLowOpen
14EmailNews Letter SubscriptionAllow sangat to register their email address for CommunicationsInitial newsletter will be the Daily HukamnamaSB2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunLowOpen
15InvolvementLogo PollAllow 3+ Logos to be available – and for people to provide their own for a decisionSB2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunLowOpen
16ImagesGurdwara PhotosNeed photos of different parts of the Gurdwara for use in the Website2025-01-21 Tue2025-02-16 SunLowOpen
17SEOGoogle ListingGoogle still has the old website shown – how to get it changed?Request submitted Sat 25-JanSB2025-01-25 Sat2025-02-16 SunLowIn Progress
18SEOBing ListingBing still has the old website shown – how to get it changed?Request submitted Sat 25-JanSB2025-01-25 Sat2025-02-16 SunLowIn Progress